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How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I cancel my subscription?

How to cancel my subscription, and when is the cancellation valid from?

Updated over a week ago

IEX version 3

You are a customer on version 3, if you log in through

To cancel your subscription:

• Go to: Subscription / Click on three dots -> Cancel subscription

IEX version 2

You are a customer on version 2, if you log in through

To cancel your subscription:

• Send an email to [email protected]


If you are a Shopify customer, you must notify IEX and also cancel the integration through Shopify, if you are paying for the subscription via Shopify.

If you are a DanDomain Classic customer and paying via DanDomain, you must cancel the integration through DanDomain and also by directly contacting IEX.

Cancellation period

When you cancel your subscription, the cancellation is valid from the end of the current subscription periode. You can still use the integration until the date, that you have prepaid for. The remaining period will not be refunded when cancelling the integration.

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