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How are customers synchronized?

How are webshop customers created/updated in the accounting system?

Updated over 8 months ago

Creating/updating customers in the accounting system

Customer information from the webshop is used to create/update customers in the accounting system.

The system automatically checks whether the customer exists in the accounting system before creating a new one to ensure you don’t have the same customer created multiple times.

How is the customer identified?

You can select which field customers are to be identified on, to check if they already exist in the accounting system. It is recommended to choose a field, which is required in the webshop checkout, for example email.

Creating/updating a customer

You can select whether customers may be created and updated in the accounting system.

It is not required to enable the creation and/or update of customers, but if you do not allow the customers to be created, your customers must exist in the accounting system already, for an invoice can be created.

On the integration, you can specify which specific fields that are allowed to be updated, e.g. name, telephone, customer group and so on.

Compile sales on one customer

You can have all webshop sales through one customer in the accounting system. In that case the specific customer information will still appear on the invoice, but all invoices will be linked to a single customer in the accounting system.

Handle B2C, B2B, and EAN customers differently

You can set up B2C, B2B, and EAN customers to be handled separately. By activating these setting, you can select different fields for each customer type to be identified on.

Handling different customer types can be set up in multiple ways, but we recommend the following:

B2C customers:

We recommend that private customers are identified on their email address, which should be set as a required field in the webshop checkout.

Alternatively you can synchronize all to one customer, that could be named “B2C webshop” in the accounting system.

B2B customer:

We recommend that business customers are identified on their VAT number. The field should be set as required in the webshop checkout when buying as a business customer. Under all circumstances it is important that a VAT number is received, since the integration needs a filled out VAT number field to know that this customer is a B2B customer.

In some webshop modules, you have to specify which custom field you are using for the VAT number, since this field often doesn't come as a standard field in the webshop. Please note that some webshop platforms require an extra plugin to get a VAT number field.

Here it is also recommended to set up the VAT number field as a requirement in the webshop to make sure that the customer fills out the field.

In almost all cases it is recommended to find a solution to receive the VAT number in the webshop.

EAN customers:

We recommend that EAN customers are identified on their EAN number. Similarly to the VAT number, you can specify in IEX, which fields that are used for EAN numbers.

It is only the EAN number itself that must be filled out on an order, for IEX to know how to handle the customer as an EAN customer.

Some accounting systems do not offer a standard field to handle EAN requisition number and EAN reference person. If you wish to have these fields transferred, you should contact the IEX support, who will offer to map up those fields (in the webshop) to fields (in the accounting system) of your own choice.

​EAN invoice

If there is an EAN number in the customer information. Then the integration can be set to automatically send an EAN invoice to the customer, if the functionality exists in the accounting system.

Article keywords: OIOUBL format

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