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What does "Error in totals validation" mean?

What does this warning mean and how is the problem solved?

Updated over a week ago

A common warning in the log is "Error in totals validation".

This warning means that a difference occured in the order and/or VAT totals in between the webshop order and the invoice/order in the accounting system.

As a security precaution, the integration validates the totals between the webshop and accounting system to make sure, that it all adds up, before booking the invoice.

If there is a difference between the amount on the order and/or VAT total, the integration will not book the invoice, but create an invoice draft instead.

Common causes for differences:

There can be multiple causes for a difference to occur.

To examine what causes the difference, you should check the amounts on the webshop order in comparison to the invoice/order in the accounting system to make sure, where they differ from each other.

On this page a few common causes for differences are described including how you solve them.

All in all it is important to understand, that the amounts on the webshop orders cannot simply be transferred to the corresponding field in the accounting system. VAT and discount amounts have to be recalculated in the accounting system according to its own set of VAT rules and more, that are set up.

Non-taxable product in the webshop is matched with a taxable product in the accounting system:

How is this difference recognized?

The specific product has a VAT amount added on the invoice/order in the account system, why it has a higher price on the invoice line, than on the webshop orderline.

Cause for the difference:

The webshop order does not indicate, that a VAT amount has been charged, because the VAT amount is included in the product price. Because the product is already placed in a taxable product group in the accounting system, a VAT amount is added to the product price, because the integration treats the price as excl. VAT. The difference occurs, because the VAT settings have not been activated in the webshop, which actually adds the VAT amount to the excl. VAT price on the webshop order.


This issue can be solved in three ways:

1) Activate VAT settings in the webshop and set up VAT rates. Remove the VAT amount from all product prices in the webshop. After this is done the webshop will automatically add VAT amounts to future orders. Even though this can be a big task, in most cases this is the best solution - especially considering an international scaling of your business. Note, that completed orders cannot automatically be recalculated for new VAT settings, since the sale to the customer is already finished.

2) On most IEX webshop modules the settings allow you to indicate that the product prices in the webshop include VAT amounts. With this settings enabled the integration knows to remove the VAT amount before sending to the accounting system. There should still be set up VAT rates in the webshop, so the integration knows which VAT rate to use.

3) Move to the product to a non-taxable product group in the accounting system, if the sale is not to be taxed.

Recalculation of a discount, which is converted to a percentage:

How is this difference recognized?

The discount which is often in a whole number on the webshop order has a different amount (often with decimals) on the invoice/order in the accounting system.

Cause for the difference:

On the webshop order a discount on a given amount has been deducted. In the accounting system a discount is handled as a percentage. Therefore the webshop's discount percentage is used, which allows more decimals, than the accounting system does. The percentage is therefore rounded before being used to recalculate the discount amount on the invoice/order in the accounting system and a difference occurs.


A product for a price of 5899 kr. is sold with a discount on 500 kr. in the webshop. Since this needs to be handled as a percentage, the webshops discount percentage is used, which is calculated as 8,476012883539582%. This discount is rounded to 8,48% in the accounting system, which only allows 2 decimals in the percentage.

When the discount is recalculated the folllowing calculation is made: (5899 kr./100) x 8,48 = 500,2352 kr.

Here a difference of 0,2352 kr. occurs

A higher product price makes for a larger possible difference.


This issue can be solved in two ways:

1) In the settings for your accounting system in IEX, a feature allows you to "Enable rounding". This will add an invoice line, that add/removes the difference. For this, you should add a product number (e.g.: diff), a description for the line (e.g.: difference), and a tolerance for, how big the difference is allowed (e.g.: 0.10). This product number should manually be created in the accounting system in a non-taxable product group.

2) Set a limit on 2 for how many decimals are allowed in the webshop.

Prices are handled without decimals in the webshop:

How is this difference recognized?

VAT is included on both the webshop order and the invoice/order in the accounting system, but the VAT total doesn't add up. On one or more invoice lines, there is a difference - typically on 0,25, 0,50 or 0,75 per orderline.

Cause for the difference:
The use of decimals is not allowed in the webshop, why VAT is not handled correctly in the webshop.


A product has been sold in the webshop for 105 kr. excl. VAT. The webshop add 25% in VAT rate. Because decimals aren't allowed the VAT amount is rounded to 26 kr. and the total sum is 131 kr.

In the accounting system, the VAT is (correctly) listed as 26,25 kr. and the total sum is 131,25 kr., which means the difference is 0,25 kr.


Allow 2 decimals in the price handling in the webshop.

Note, that it is an incorrect solution to use the "Enable rounding" functionality in IEX to compensate for this, since wrong VAT amounts are charged in the webshop.

An additional VAT has been added to the full webshop order on the invoice

How is this difference recognized?

An order in which VAT was already added, has had an additional VAT amount added on the invoice.

Cause for the difference:

The VAT is included in all prices in the webshop, but the VAT settings are not activated in the webshop. Therefore the integration consider the prices as being excl. VAT, why the VAT is added in the accounting system (since the products are in a taxable group).


This issue can be solved in two ways:

1) Activate VAT settings in the webshop and set up VAT rates. Remove the VAT amount from all product prices in the webshop. After this is done the webshop will automatically add VAT amounts to future orders. Even though this can be a big task, in most cases this is the best solution - especially considering an international scaling of your business. Note, that completed orders cannot automatically be recalculated for new VAT settings, since the sale to the customer is already finished.

2) On most IEX webshop modules the settings allow you to indicate that the product prices in the webshop include VAT amounts. With this settings enabled the integration knows to remove the VAT amount before sending to the accounting system. There should still be set up VAT rates in the webshop, so the integration knows which VAT rate to use.

Keywords: Totals does not match

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